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Why we haven't written

For anyone who may be wondering why the production of articles has been lacking the last few months, we've been very busy with stuff behind the scenes to improve the web site usability and layout; and, a fair amount of the added content has been in the wiki.

  • A lot of the more visible changes have been to the site's layout. There's been some massaging, tweaking and modernizing. We did a lot to make mobile browsing easier and quicker. Some of the changes are cosmetic, like trying a little different hairstyle. Others were to improve navigation and make more features visible such as the "My Account" tab on the top menu.
  • We've done a lot of work underneath to improve page load times. There's a bit of technical work involved in some cases (database caching and other dry subjects with the effectiveness of Ambien) and others of streamlining the delivery of the various components by reducing the size and number that make up a web page.
  • We've done a huge rewrite and update of the entire Maps and Places to Sail on the wiki. We still have more work to do on the maps but we have information and directions for places over the entire Southeast. We have almost all of the 65 different pages updated with an individual map as well as regional maps for states and the entire Southeast.
  • We've already announced these but a reminder that you can subscribe to forums (either via that forum main page or notifications on your account page, write your own blog posts, make a photo album . If you have any questions, pop us an email:

But here's the best news - this website is about connecting the community and sharing the fun of being on (and above) the water. Everytime you visit and, better, participate, it improves the site. Keep logging on, reading and posting!
If there is more stuff you'd like to see here or have constructive criticism (which I may or may not listen to), again, drop us a line.

Snow Day: Where's Waldo

We ran across this remarkable photo of Lake Garda that Barrett Walker took a few years ago while skimming the front page. We were struck by the countless windsurfers in the photo during a quiet time of the day on the lake which is famous for its winds which blow strongly in one direction in the morning and then reverse in the afternoon.

Lake Garda windsurfing

Barrett was nice enough to send us a full size image because it's aspect ration will fit nicely as a banner at the top of the web site. As we looked over the photo, we though we recognized a familiar face.

Our website: App -ly as Needed

We've just finished up a project that we've been tinkering with the last few months. A bit like Area 51, this explains the sometimes weird formatting you might have encountered recently as we experimented under deep secrecy. Not even our cockatiel was aware of what was going on (which is good since we don't have a bird).

Since the last major revision to the website a few years back, it's been relatively mobile device friendly. Relatively. There were some things that probably could have been done better but at least google didn't complain when we did mobile tests on their search console we use. However, we came across something neat on windguru.cz, a site we link under forecasts: a tutorial on how to "appify" a website, ie turn a website into a mobile app. Inspired, we've generated a special page you can go to and use for your "windsportatlanta.com" app. However, if you prefer, you can turn the regular home page into an app by the same process.

Holiday Party. Yay! (Saturday, Dec. 16)

It's almost that time. We've already announced it but some people just won't show up until we write an article about it. We're having a Holiday Party! What? Now you need details? Well, why didn't you say so?

The Details!
