Costa Rica 2021

In April, 2021 Barrett & Peggy traveled to Costa Rica, including a four-day stop to windsurf at Lake Arenal. After being postponed for over a year due to the COVID Pandemic, we were really looking forward to the trip. Lake Arenal is on a continental divide between the Atlantic and Pacific where wind funnels through a low point in the mountains. The result is epic conditions for windsurfing on Lake Arenal from December into May. Water temperature averages 72ºF throughout the year.

Best of the Forum Images 2020

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Maui 2020

Hello from Columbia Gorge,
Sophie and I decided to get away from the NW fall rain/cold so we escaped to Maui for a bit. It was really fun to stay right near the North Shore beach (Spreckelsville) and windsurf mostly at Kanaha and a bit of Ho’okipa.

Nags Head Oct. 2020

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic, we hosted another successful Fall trip to the Outer Banks. We all agreed to precautions to avoid getting sick, including shopping locally, and bringing food from home for the first few days. The one restaurant where we ate on premises was the OBX Fishing Pier - the staff wore masks and it was open air, otherwise we ordered take-out.

Three distant hurricanes either brought wind, or killed the wind. Fortunately they mostly brought wind. Our group had 11 days of sailing in the first two weeks. Peggy & I extended our stay as Tropical Storm Zeta brought exceptional conditions with three days of continuous on-shore wind.

We have additional trips planned for May & October 2021.

Barrett & Peggy
