37th Annual Fall Classic Oct 16-18

37th Annual Fall Classic

Thirty-seventh. Let that sink in.

Something has to be special in the sporting world to be around this long. And, the Fall Classic is special.

It's not just about the windsurfing but the people who get together every year. Some people have been coming for a very long time. We are excited to see them and catch up. For others, it's their first time and we enjoy the chance to get to know them. The food and entertainment are always great, too.

Sometimes it is about the windsurfing, the spirit of friendly competition, a decent breeze. Other times, the wind doesn't quite cooperate so we take the chance to catch up with old friends, eye enviously somebody's new kit and just enjoy the wonderful view of the lake.

If you've thought about but the prospect of coming in last provokes anxiety, don't worry. We've done it more than a couple of times ourselves. You'll get more people cheering you on than the winners.

All the information and schedule is here : Notice of Race

and below

The Atlanta Boardsailing Club and Lake Lanier Sailing Club
invite you to compete in the

37 th Annual Atlanta Fall Classic

Rules– The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing 2013-2016
including Appendix B- Windsurfing Competition Rules, the Class Rules of any applicable fleet, the printed Notice
of Race and the Sailing Instructions. The Sailing Instructions will be available at late registration/check-in at the
LLSC pavilion. Advertising is unrestricted.
Entry– The regatta is open to sailboard competitors. Registration will take place at the race site Friday night and
Saturday morning, October 16 & 17th. Please email the regatta chair if you are coming– voithphoto@gmail.com
Any group of 5 boards may compete in a trophy group including (but not limited to):
Open Unlimited • Sport (7.5 Ltd) • Kona • Formula

Letter to the Neighborhood

Dear Neighbors,

windsurfing yard Our yard last November.
wind altar
Religious item of our faith

This is [redacted] Jerk. My family lives at [redacted]. I am putting this letter in all the mailboxes in the street as it seems the easiest way to communicate with the neighborhood. I know that I have all your email addresses from the neighborhood directory but ever since the "Relive the '80s Party" fiasco which featured the regrettable Cosby Show marathon and my clever Heathcliff Huxtable costume, it seems my email is blocked by many of you. (Incidentally, was it that we served Jello Pudding Cups or had it catered by Subway that offended many of you? Personally, I thought the M&Ms in the dish labelled "Ludes" was a clever touch.)

Anyway, I'm writing to let you know that my yard may not meet our usual community standards for the next few months. Leaves may collect. The grass may go uncut. We'll do our best to get the paper and mail but we may be away in NC or FL for periods of time.

In past years, I know that many of you have spent much of October, November, December and January making frantic calls to the city, writing irate letters to the Home Owners Association and, in one case, calling cousin Tony in NJ to see if he can help out with a "situation". (Before anybody accuses me of unfairly stereotyping Italian-Americans, Tony does landscape work and, in a twist of fate, I highly recommend him if you are putting in hardscapes.)

To save you time and effort, I would like to remind you that I am a parishioner of the High and Holy Church of St. Monofilmus of Antioch and Cappadocia . In accordance with the rites of my faith, I devote my weekends in the feast period of Autumn to mediation and reflection on the water. I know that you, like most Americans, are tolerant and understanding of other faiths. I would like also to remind you of last year's contentious court ruling affirming my constitutional rights to practice my faith. Some media commentators disagreed strongly with that ruling and suggested further community action but we would like to thank those that resisted the urge to throw burning dog excrement onto our driveway. To those who didn't resist the urge, our dog knows where your yard is and we are feeding him left overs from La Azteca as I write this.

One of the many things that makes America great is how people of diverse cultures come together as a nation yet celebrate our individual cultures and backgrounds. So, in that spirit of freedom and especially religious freedom, if anyone wants to borrow my rake and leaf blower at any time in the next several months, please do so as I won't be using them.

The Jerk Family

Opening Day

Opening Day

September marks the beginning of the windsurfing year. As the air cools and jet stream descends from its summer vacation in Canada, gentle summer breezes yield to blustery autumn winds.

The lakes empty as kids go back to school, adults go back to work and football season keeps most people away on weekends.

These football fans are enjoying their opening day. That's why you have a parking spot at your favorite park. That's why we love football.

The water is still warm, warm enough to invite us back until we become reverse lobsters, staying in the water, unaware, as it slowly cools until by February it becomes hypothermic.

Opening day sometimes means keeping your head low and wearing safety orange.

It's time to put away the large boards and sails of summer, dust off the smaller gear, sand the nicks off the small fins and chase the rodents who've nested in our small sails all summer.

If we are lucky, it will blow on a September weekend. It's opening day.

Lost in Africa

Lost in Africa
"Stop that boy! He has our hurricane!"
Lost in Africa (movie). A white couple look for a lost tropical storm in a continent full of dark people. We're sure they have a black friend. But he probably dies.

One of the standard scripts of windsurfing in Atlanta is a bunch of us standing on the shore of our favorite local spot, staring at the still water and asking, "Where's the wind?"

It's usually a rhetorical question, of course. The wind is somewhere, just not here. We recently posted a clipping from an English newspaper where this summer was projected to be the windiest in two decades. Let's be more clear: the windiest English year in two decades while this summer, locally, has been more true to norm, i.e. dead as our social life. To make things even more annoying, we actually read the article (usually, we just pretend to and then purposely make vague statements). This is the part that got us: "Just eight days this year have been 'calm' -defined as when at least 20 weather stations record maximum gusts of 11 mph or less." Wow. Around here, an 11 mph gust gets categorized as breezy, not calm. And, pretty much any summer day without a thunderstorm qualifies as calm.

But, back to our question: where's the wind? Try... Africa.

Typically, one of the few opportunities for wind in the summer comes from tropical storms. While we don't wish a hurricane on our neighbors in Florida or North Carolina, a good tropical disturbance is enough to kick up a bit of breeze during a time of year a wetsuit isn't mandatory. This year, so far, has been a poor one for producing tropical storms in the Atlantic. It's not for the lack of warm water in the Atlantic (good try climate deniers ), but because of strong pool of warm water, El Nino, in the Pacific.

Nonetheless, we are starting to see a few disturbances in the tropics - near Africa.
