Go Faster, Live Longer

Seeing into the Future
Healthy? We think not. This look will get you an early grave.

Like many, the effects of colder weather on our outdoor activities along with holiday feasts (the missus puts on a mean Bhaktun spread) means our wet suit fits much more snugly than it did in October. Much more snugly. Not only does this mean dressing for windsurfing now feels more like I'm being squeezed by a python but our culture makes judgments about those who don't have six pack abs. That's strange considering America's ever expanding waist line.

But, while we may have to spend the money for a larger suit, there are some profound advantages to our expanding girth (to a point).

On the advice of my physician, I'll have butter and sour cream with my baked potato
According to new research this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), researchers say that being overweight may lead to a longer life.
...the findings also suggest that people who are overweight (but not obese) may live longer than people with clinically normal body weight.


We think this speaks for itself. Reaching for that doughnut may actually be good for you. Now, whether that covers the five I reached for successfully Sunday, I'm not sure. I may have overshot the target - or, overstood the mark as racers would say.


Cricket in the Rain
Jiminy Cricket pays attention to the probability of participation. (Say that three times fast)
Kelly in the Rain
Gene Kelly didn't care if it rained.

Crickets have been on our minds recently. Of course, January isn't typically a month one associates with insects in the Northern Hemisphere. But, for a couple of reasons, we've been thinking about them lately.

Of course, mentioning cricket(s) is a bit of a litmus test for English speakers. We, here in the southern US, immediately think of their chirping sound (God forbid one should get in your bedroom at night). For other parts of the world, a cricket isn't something you hear but something you play. The sport cricket isn't well suited for Americans because we haven't the attention span required to follow a game that may take days to play plus the white outfits don't offer sponsors nor Nike much room to advertise. But we digress a bit...

"It's so quiet around here..."

...you can hear the crickets chirp. Yes, it has been a bit quiet on the windsurfing scene of late. Looking back at late summer early fall, we had a good run of days when the windsurfing ranged from pleasant to great. Sandy's winds were the crescendo as we had almost a week solid of windsurfing including a couple of days when the wind was absolutely ripping. Since then, things have been more quiet than normal. There have been some sessions that have brought out the hard core but not as much as we often see in late fall.

That isn't to say that there haven't been any sessions but fewer that either capture our fancy or are worth talking about.


Seeing into the Future

This is the time of year when pundits like ourselves get out the cristal cojone de cristal and peer into the future. We were going to say the "crystal ball" but we're striving to be multi-cultural and that's what Google Translate gave us, we think.

The more organized pundits get articles like this out before the beginning of the year but we are the sort that have had years where Christmas cards morphed into New Years cards and then into Ground Hog Day cards. Our relatives are very impressed that we send pictures of our kids, Junior and Juniorette, out for Ground Hog Day. The lack of a Christmas card is usually blamed on the Postal Service, our dogs or other forces beyond our control.

Our Predictions for 2012

What? What, you say? Are we exhibiting the classic sign of advancing age, dating our checks with the previous year well into spring? No, not this time. These really are our predictions for 2012, albeit, a little late.

Another Dud for Olympic Windsurfing


Twister Game Box

Twister, ribald fun, circa 1966

Twister movie scene

Twister (game) scene in Twister (movie)

It's been a few days, okay, a lot of days since we've updated things around here. A bunch of reasons why but none too important, negative or lasting.

The club had its Holiday party combining Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Saturnalia; and, our favorite, Baktun celebrations. The club strives to be multi-cultural.

Christmas seems to be the most popular in our neighborhood, although, based on seniority, Saturnalia should be. The Romans also celebrated Natalis Invicti, or the Birthday of the Invinciable Sun (the god Sol), on Dec 25. Apparently, the early Christians, already having the day off from their gig at the Colosseum, thought it might be a good time to slide in a holiday of their own.

Back to windsurfing and our party, it's the first time in a long time that we've had it at Chris Voith's special lair, the old PDK control tower. More than forty windsurfers, kiteboarders and unfortunate non-participants who happen to be married or related to us in some shape or manner came to celebrate.
