Hartwell Sunday?

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Joined: 04/19/2016 - 18:03
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Re: Hartwell Sunday?

Good day on Hartwell.
Started off a little light at noon but did not disappoint a little later.
Good turnout and another beautiful day

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: Hartwell Sunday?
SupSurfXcursions wrote:

What’s interesting about that pumping motion is the torque he’s got going on side to side with his feet. He’s pumping the sail but jerking the board side to side.

Neil, that's Isaac Newton in action (action/opposite equal reaction, etc). He's pumping hard but the sideways resistance of the foil mast can only do so much so the board is sliding a bit as he pumps. That side to side action isn't the important part - it's the forward acceleration where he takes the board from a stand still to going fast enough to start to lift off. Because of the camera angle that's not as obvious. Also note that he was pumping a bit down wind and then turned across the wind (or a bit up) as he accelerated.

Yeah, it was worth the drive. Langdon and I were joined by Richard, Gary and Stephen. We saw Jowell out on the water, too. We got on the water too soon and the wind died so we came back in for a snack. Stephen all along was saying that it would blow later in the afternoon and he nailed it. After a bit we went out and it built up to a nice 15-20. Everybody was on 7 something I think except Langdon's 8.2. There were a number of boats but the biggest difference is that the boats there are human sized, not the overgrown, overfed ones we have. Where we have 30 ft power boats going nowhere, they have 20 ft ski boats with families onboard. The fetch is really long there on a SW (3+ miles) and it's really open in the middle. It's like visiting a friend's house and realizing his house is bigger than yours... Lol

My thanks to the local crew for being kind, gracious and welcoming. Look forward to going back.

Edit: Langdon posted some pics while I was typing. The pic of me is pre-snack before the wind arrived.

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zzholt's picture
Joined: 10/11/2015 - 21:05
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Re: Hartwell Sunday?
webguy wrote:
It's like visiting a friend's house and realizing his house is bigger than yours...

OR.....it was like friends coming over to visit..... in their faster, lighter, quieter, carbon fiber Teslas and running circles around us as we labored to get our '76 Ford continental wagons to start Sad Lol

was great to meet you guys and spend some time on the water together finally. We'll have to make it happen again. Maybe on a weekday Yes 3 Thanks for making the drive up!!!

footage I got today was pretty tame, but here are just few quick screenshots to prove we were all there. cheers, everyone! (failed to get one of Langdon, though)

1: the crowd launching
2: Richard
3: Jowell
4: Stephen
5: William

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Barrett's picture
Joined: 12/23/2003 - 23:07
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Re: Hartwell Sunday?

Glad you guys got some wind. Peggy & I hung out at LLSC with Chris V., Alan, Gene, Hamdi & Steve. The breeze teased us with occasional gusts, but never came up.


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