Save the Date: Sun Dec 18 Club Holiday Party

Details up in a bit. Pot luck, White Elephant gift exchange (always fun) and the usual mirth and merriment.

Evening (time TBA) at Chez Webguy.

New Wiki Pages

A number of new pages have been added recently including sailing sites and classic race results.

Wiki New Pages

Inevitably, there will be errors, omissions, incomplete or outdated information. Please either:

New information and pages, of course, are welcome.

Invitation to Blog and Add Your Photos

If any of you wish to contribute more regular content in blog form, please let me know. A lot of good stuff goes up in the forums but we'd like to encourage anyone if they have something more to say or share by providing a more visible method. Anything that's longer than a couple of paragraphs is suitable. As long as it has even an obscure relationship to windsurfing, your article would be great.

33rd Fall Classic

Our Fall Regatta was a success by any measure. Picture perfect weather made for a great weekend of sailing, camping and hangin' out. There were 27 racers and another 20 or so family and hangers-on who came for the fun and debauchery– a record turnout for the last decade or so. We had plenty of wind on Saturday to test the skill, fortitude and equipment of the racers. There was just enough wind on Sunday to get in a 5th race to give us a throwout.
