Happy Holidays

All the best and hope that 2012 brings warm winds.

More below the break.

Holiday Party - Thanks to all who came

It was great fun. Lots of food and company. The white elephant gifts were wicked - potato guns, bottles of beverage and vintage windsurfing equipment. You know it's severe when the last person picks from the pile!

Barrett shared two great videos of recent Nags Head trips which we all enjoyed watching.

I put together a Youtube playlist for background entertainment for the party. It contains a lot of footage from the current generation of freestylers who have pushed the sport up a notch as well as classic US-1111 and Jaws footage.

Club Holiday Party Sun Dec 18 6pm

Christmas Greetings by Joseph Stanley
Our annual Holiday Party will be hosted by me, the grimy mechanic of the website.

Date: Dec 18 (Sun)

Time: 6 pm. If it's not a windy day, you can come earlier and kill some suds or fermented grape juice. If it's windy, come when you get off the water.

Bring: a dish or dessert to feed a few

Bring: Something for the every fun, hilarious and enjoyable White Elephant Gift exchange. Recommended items include something you are regifting, something you think is cool, something that is just a total gag gift/troll, an obsolete windsurfing item, a windsurfing item that's pretty neat and fun for the next person. Over the years we've seen bunny slippers, bottles of adult beverage, suit of armor, classic albums, albums that shouldn't have left the store in the first place, good fins, bad fins, etc.

web site upgrades

I've upgraded the software for the core web site and forums in the last couple of days. If you have any issues, please let me know. Also, I may have found a fix for the infamous cookie issue. If you are having cookie/log in issues, please let me know.
