Welcome to the Atlanta Boardsailing Club in Exile

Another Exile
A fellow exile: we're hoping that the Chinese aren't the source of our troubles, too.

Update Sat 12:18 pm Freakin' hamsters know their google fu (translated: know how to search the internet). As of now, all browsers seem to be working. Email me if you find otherwise.

Update Sat 12:11 pm Log ins for Firefox and Internet Explorer seem to be working but Safari and Google Chrome don't. Our crack team of hamsters is on the job.

This is our temporary home that I've cobbled up in the last 24 hours or so. It's a complete download of our site that I smuggled out rolled up in an old coffee can. It's been installed on a virtual machine in a top secret location. You can log in and do all things you usually do.

Web Site Issues

What an elfin' day. (That's actually ff, not lf but you get the idea). Our web server started going wonky Monday. Something was misbehaving and by yesterday, whatever it was absolutely overloaded the server. For any of you familiar with *nix, the load average was over 2000. For the layman, my home load average is usually under 1.0. Things start to slow down at 8-10.

Anyhoo... host says that a bad piece of hardware (RAID card) is to blame after a couple of restarts don't do the job. Ends up, the server has to be replaced and files restored from backups which has taken most of the day and night. Things have gone wonky in small ways in the meantime including the Forum looking like it had a major cosmetic issue which suddenly vanished a couple of hours later while I was clutching handfuls of my receding hairline.

Meanwhile, near Mt. Pelion

Our Greek correspondent, Dimitris Savidis, forwards us some pics from a March visit to a beach near Mt. Pelion in central Greece. Looking at the first pic, you think you are seeing a display for a local windsurfing shop - some older, yet nice boards. I think Scott Spreen just scoured the Southeast looking for an F2 Ride similar to the top one. Hey, Scott, did you look here?

Wow, a windsurfing shop near Mt. Pelion?

And then, driving past, you see the other side. At first, you let out a quiet whimper and, then, you begin to cry a little inside. I don't know about you but those boards are better newer than the ones I sail. Some things are beyond understanding.

The horror!

Dear Windsurfatlanta.org Part 28

From our mailbag:Valet at Van Pugh - the reality

Dear windsurfatlanta.org,
While I do appreciate it, your post on April 1st is proving to be problematic for me. More specifically, the photo of your new "valet" has caused me grief both at work and home. When I am at work, every time I visit your web site (not often, I admit), my boss and colleagues think I am visiting por... ahem, adult-themed web sites. Likewise, when I'm at home, my wife snaps jealously at me. She's convinced that I don't windsurf, never have windsurfed and will not in the future. The whole sport is simply a charade to ogle "valets".
If you kindly could remove that image, it may save both my job and marriage.
Sincerely, An anonymous and occasional visitor

Dear Anon,
