Wally Part 2: The New "It"

Late again?That's the last time this sailor misses a deadline because of watching cat videos on youtube.

More fun than a floggingWhat he should have been writing about (Photo: Keith McCulloch)

Wally Part 1

Janitor's Note: The slacker who's supposed to pen this article has been working on it for two months. We apologise that it's taken so long and promise to brutally punish the author.

When writing Wally Part 1, we really did have a purpose in mind, unlikely as it seemed at the time, beyond waxing nostalgic over the Windsurfer One Design, the Wally. Looking around the internet, we began to sense some changes afoot, good changes. While ten years ago, some were thinking that windsurfing was a been there, done that sport, we've seen that some of the best surprises were still to come.

One of the parallel developments that's happened has been the blossoming of stand up paddling (SUP). Like many of man's best inventions which grow from our frustrations, surfers tired of waiting for ideal surf decided that a paddle could expand what and when they could surf. Additionally, the new boards also meant that one could journey in flat water like a kayak but with a better view being further above the water. Some windsurfers, not quite grasping the big picture, thought that SUPs would dilute the market for board sports at the expense of windsurfing. Those of us who took the longer view weren't worried.

Dear Windsurfatlanta.org Part 30

I need a weed finIs it just me or are the weeds really bad this year?

Another kind missive in our mailbag:

Dear wsatl.org,
With all the tempest in a teacup of windsurfing being dropped from the Olympics to make way for more synchronized divers, there's been an undercurrent of hostility expressed towards the kiting community.
Maybe the last three windsurfers in the world should lighten up before Medicare no longer covers your meds.
Peace on, bro.

Dear Sir Lipton,

Meanwhile, in Skåne

Even as most of us have even put the shorties away for the season, in other places, neoprene is still de rigeuer. Via Hot Sails Maui blog, we found this post about the crew in Skåne (Scania) in Sweden. Happily, google will provide you with the English translation.

The Master Plan Give it a moment and google should autotranslate.

neoprene views

I imagine the water is quite, shall we say, brisk but that doesn't seem to dissuade anyone.

carving cold foam

Be Famous. Pics wanted.

Not what they are looking for
No. You are unlikely ever to be this famous.

Local guy Ryan Roberts and iWindsurf.com are looking for hi-rez pics for a print ad. Ryan thought this might be a good opportunity for Atlanta to show off its better side. See this forum post for details.
