Planning My Vacation

In our last post, we promised you windsurfing koalas. When we promise windsurfing koalas, we DELIVER.

Even though it's the beginning of August, Mrs. Webguy and I haven't taken a real vacation. We'd hoped to go to France and watch the Tour de France or England to watch the Olympics but a representative at our credit card company suggested that Statesboro, Valdosta or Ft. Oglethorpe was about as far as our credit card would stretch. Already having visited all three, we decided to stick around Atlanta.

However, our fortunes have changed and I've set out planning a little jaunt beyond the borders of GA. The missus loves the beach but Florida this time of year is a bit unpleasant with the jellyfish, stifling heat and general lack of wind. The water is too warm for any sort of seabreeze and the afternoons are usually punctuated by lightning and thunder. Thunder, I don't mind, but lightning gets my attention.

I heeded the advice of my good friend CV, gave up on the idea of windsurfing in August and looked for a place to play golf close to a beach. I really don't play golf. With my ADD, I really can't get much past the 14th hole without getting terribly bored. But if I go on a golf vacation this time of year, it's pretty much like going on a windsurfing vacation. I'm not going to do either, but, it is a vacation.

Olympic Windsurfing on TV

Janitor's Note: Bill put up a great post on the forums and we thought it needed to be front and center. Our thanks to him for all the research. We were too busy trying to find pictures of windsurfing koalas with no success.

Located in Dorset on the south coast of England, Weymouth and Portland provides some of the best natural sailing waters in the UK, with facilities on land to match.
Venue web page

The RS:X fleet sets sail on Tuesday 31 July at 12:00 on the Weymouth Bay West Course. The fleet enjoys a lay day on 3 August before racing resumes on 4 August. The RS:X will play to the Nothe Spectator area on 7 August where the gold medalists will be decided after the Medal Race

Dear Part 31

Bollywood RocksI find it fascinating that most of the Bollywood music videos I've seen feature such large casts in bright colors. And, hardly no "ho's" in bikinis washing cars.
I couldn't find any pics with Bollywood and windsurfing in them.

In this post, we answer a couple of questions from our mythical mystical mailbag.

After seeing a number of your articles lead with pictures that have nothing to do with actual windsurfing (clowns, ancient Greek pottery and a winery come to mind), I'm wondering if you haven't outsourced your copywriting to someone in Mumbai? Does the person writing this crap realize this is supposed to be a web site about windsurfing and board sports?

Thank you for contacting the Atlanta Boardsailing Club support web page; we answer questions in the order they are received. Answers may be faked for quality assurance purposes.

From Rum to Formula

Bozo Gran CanariaJames Cagney in "The Public Enemy" which showed crime didn't pay but did ultimately lead to Formula windsurfing boards.
Janitor's Note: It's been a few days since we've posted anything. As a consequence of webguy's daughter not eating her vegetables or cleaning her room, she's been dispatched to live with the Masai on the Serengeti. We ask that you respect his privacy during this difficult family matter. (Yes, we're kidding about the privacy stuff. No, we aren't kidding about the Masai. But, it didn't involve vegetables.) We hope you enjoy the "teaser" links through out the article, too.

I was reading about the most recent PWA competition in Tenerife and a picture at the bottom of the page caught my attention. In it was the podium celebration where the men's winners were spraying each other with champagne (or the Spanish equivalent). Philip Köster was on the top step - he's been on a tear this year having also just won Pozo - alongside Alex Mussolini and Victor Fernandez. Spraying bubbly is a popular way to celebrate sporting victories except, perhaps, at the Indy 500 where the winner drinks milk.

Tenerife - home of the highest point in Spain

And then it struck me, what Köster was doing could never happen here in the U.S., at least legally. Philip Köster is only 18 years old. As any college student will tell you, the legal drinking age here is 21. In Europe, the legal age is 18 and sometimes, even, 16 (e.g. Austria).
