Sign This Petition. Seriously.

nations of the world windsurf
What an Olympic event should look like - athletes from all nations.

Update: Windsurfing is back in. Sailword article

Forum Discussion (Thanks to Chris Voith for update)

Petitionto Keep Windsurfing in the Olympics

For those of you who missed Chris Voith's forum post last week, the ISAF has voted to eliminate windsurfing as an Olympic sport in 2016. While kiting has been added, this should not be seen as an us vs. them issue as both board sports are among the most (if not THE most) technically advanced, athletic, popular and economically accessible sailing sports in the world. Ideally, both sports should represent sailing as an Olympic event as they both embody the ideal characteristics of Olympic competition.

I am the 1%

Keep your grubby hands off, peasant
Umm.. wrong one percent. Gosh, this is awkward.
Buffalo solder, dreadlock rasta

Now you are going to tell me this isn't Jacob Marley?

I am part of the one percent. Well, most of the time I'm not but right now I am. Without me you have nothing! Nothing!

Wait, you know to which one percent I'm referring, right? No, this has nothing to do with Occupy Hatteras. This is quite different. It's the One percent principle which

.. states that the number of people who create content on the Internet represents approximately 1% (or less) of the people actually viewing that content (for example, for every person who posts on a forum, generally about 99 other people are viewing that forum but not posting).

The "90–9–1" version of this rule states that 1% of people create content, 9% edit or modify that content, and 90% view the content without contributing.

While I'm the one percent here, I am the 90-99% in most of my internet travels. For some web sites, I prefer to lurk and enjoy the contributions of others, many of whom are quite clever, literate and put forth interesting ideas. For others, say, news sites or Youtube, the audience participation seems to be more centered around those who SHOUT THE LOUDEST yet almost invariably have the most ill-informed and inflexible opinions. If I even read those comments, I feel like I've been wallowing in mud or worse and just want to wash it all off me.

At this point, you are probably expecting the "we need you so step forward" speech. Wait for it, wait....wait for it...

We're back - and more

I shall return
At least we didn't have to get our feet wet. Douglas MacArthur returns to the Phillipines in 1944.
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down

- Chumbawamba: Tubthumping (go ahead, click the link and relive the '90s)

Chasing the Dragon

You try to barefoot and someone throws a windsurfer at you.
It starts when you have your first session, the world is peaceful, everything is perfect, you're thrilled, but in the best way possible. But, soon, it starts wearing off. Fast. Your mind races, you're pulled out of your dream world. You crave the it more and more, wanting to feel the same way...

- Urban Dictionary: Chasing the Dragon (NSFW)
