Monthly Caption of the Week Contest 7

Not withstanding last month's abysmal participation, we've decided to do another monthly caption of the week. You may ask why we dare continue when our last effort failed so miserably. The answer is stunningly simple: we are windsurfers. This is a sport, much like golf, that's predicated on failure. It is annoyingly challenging to learn and each step is simply a pile of failures to be overcome before proceeding to the next. Like golf, it is a sport in which you can miserably fail something over a hundred times in a day but the only thing you remember is the one you executed well.

"Remember that shot on 15? Sure, just like that one jibe all day that I actually came out without being soaking wet." We pick up our ball out of the cup after having played hockey on the green with seven putts with the same triumph that we have when our convoluted planing/pivot/desperation/uphaul the dropped sail jibe points us in the opposite direction. Yeah, it was ugly but put me down for a 4.

Enough about our inability to guide a planing board from east to west without acting the fool and on to this month's contest.

While we'd picked this photo out some months before, Barrett Walker also emailed a suggestion that this photo would be a good choice. Thus, we expect Barrett to suggest at least three captions or we are never replying to another of his emails.

Just kidding, Barrett, two captions will be sufficient.

Without further ado...

caption of the week contest 6

Monthly Caption of the Week Contest 6

Our dog's reaction to this post.

Yes, we've recycled this pic but, dang, we really like it and Mrs. Carlos Danger, aka Huma Abedin, (Mrs. Weiner) forgives us, too.

Time for more hijinks and shenanigans! Well, not really. Just another shameless effort to induce the members of the local windsurfing community to post a comment. It isn't enough that you have to tolerate a rainy yet windless summer but you have endure your fellow windsurfers' (and kiters, let's be inclusive) poor sense of humour. Yes, 'humour', we're still celebrating probably the first heir to the English throne ever named in honor of the "Seinfeld" show.

This month's pic is truly a blank slate. Interpret it as you will. Although Barrett claims it's the aftermath of a jump, we're not sure. It could be a whale breaching or even worse, a kraken.

what lurks beneath

But, it's probably something benign. We are prone to over-reacting.

Enough already, the photo, please.

caption of the week contest 6


We'd like to say we've been busy lately but that wouldn't be entirely true.

It's been a while since we've had the opportunity to post anything. Not that we haven't been brimming with things to share but some things at home required our attention. Hopefully, we can resume a more steady schedule. We should mention that we favor the British pronunciation 'shejiule' as opposed to the way it's said in the colonies, 'skedyule'. As well, our booms are made of aluminium instead of aluminum. And, it's colour and favour, our engine is under the bonnet; and we pee in the 'loo. Of course, all this is because of our excitement of Kate Middleton having produced a male heir to the throne of the United Kingdom.

It's a boy!

"It's a boy. A king is born" (Their words, not ours).

Monthly Caption of the Week Contest 5

Our last contest started very slowly. For awhile, it was just us and the crickets.

It's that time again, our bi-annual Monthly Caption of the Week "contest", the June edition. Quite frankly, after we posted the previous installment, we thought it might be the end of the line for this moronic excuse for web site content. The entries were so slow in coming in that we almost deleted the page to save ourselves the embarrassment of having a page soliciting community comment with the only comments coming from our alter egos. In other words, we considered giving up and going home.

But we were heartened by the belated response. Our little windsurfing community came together and showed the world that not only do we lack sense (really, do you see anyone else swimming in the lake in February?) but humor as well. So, we're back, risking shame and indignity, posting another photo.
