Vann Pugh Update Monday 9/20

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gene_mathis's picture
Joined: 05/17/2002 - 05:00
Posts: 2146
Vann Pugh Update Monday 9/20

Sailed VP this Morning (Mon 9/20), pertty good early, sailed 5.2 then 5.9. It has started to drop as the afternoon group started ariving. When I left, 2:00, people were rigging from 5.7 to 7.2 and there were about 4 or 5 sailors. It may come back up.

There were also a few sailors at Vann Tavern.

Also, I sailed yesterday on my 8.5, very nice day.


Gene Mathis

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13858

Finally, I had my kind of day. Rigged my trusty Ezzy 6.6 and planned for about an hour then up rigged to my Spirit 8.0 and planned for another hour. Great feeling. Totally in control unlike some other recent days. Made all my jibes and 4 tacks to boot. Air was warm, water was warm, totally sunny skies, no sharks and buds to sail with. Last time I sailed was on a 5.0 which was about one meter to big and all I did was get trashed, and thrashed and mashed and bashed while at the same time being and feeling totally out of control over anything I was doing.

Yep, Monday was a great day. I am ready to do it again.

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