St. George - windsurf? rig rental?

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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St. George - windsurf? rig rental?

Hi. My family and I are renting a house at St. George Island the last week of September. I'd like to do some windsurfing while I'm there. My experience is limited ... I've been riding an ancient O'Brien board with I'd guess a 5-6m sail in Lake Sinclair. Assuming I have wind to work with, I can handle the boat chop that is present without too much of a problem. I'm assuming the bay area of St. George won't be too much worse. The only salt water experience I have is a couple hour rental at St Marteen last year. It was a super wide board that was so bouyant that it constantly wanted to pivot at the mast ... was harder to use than the O'Brien, though it was very stable.

Anyway, my question is whether I'll be able to handle this O'Brien rig on a typical day that I'd experience at St. George. And/or if there are local rentals in Atlanta that I could take for a week instead?

Any input would be appreciated. BTW, I don't use/have harness or footstraps for the O'Brien.


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Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13973

I have sailed in the gulf while there but that might not be the best for you. I have also sailed at the boat ramp on the right side of the road just as you arrive on the island. If the wind is anything but south this area works OK. It is safe and sandy. I have been curious about other bay locations if anyone has anything to offer. Watch for oyster beds!

You can also go to St Joseph Pennisula. It is an hour each way but is a great place with shallow water outside the dredged out areas.

If you are near Woodstock email me. I might can help you out with some gear. For better quality gear you can't beat Gene.

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gene_mathis's picture
Joined: 05/17/2002 - 05:00
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WindSense/Gene's Consignement does rent out a Bic Nova package, but it is a wide board, 180 liters. You could try it out at Lanier. Rental prices are VERY reasonable. Give me a call to discuss if you like.

Alan, THANKS for the plug. Your new 7.5 Infinity is in.


Gene Mathis

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13973
Re: St. George - windsurf? rig rental?

The only salt water experience I have is a couple hour rental at St Marteen last year. It was a super wide board that was so bouyant that it constantly wanted to pivot at the mast ... was harder to use than the O'Brien, though it was very stable.

The board's buoyancy wasn't causing you problems, it was the short water line (there you go, Chuck - that's another thread). The long waterline of O'Brien means it tracks straight until you dramatically rake the sail one way or the other. There are those who think that's a virtue. I can say that having tried to turn a longboard on a race starting line, I regard more as a vice (and this compares to dinghies, not short boards). But you like vanilla and I like chocolate - no problelms there. Eventually, with more experience on short boards, you won't find that tendency so disturbing. Kind of like going from an old school Caddy to a Miata.

If you are still sailing the original O'Brien rig, I'd definitely say try something newer. Since you are used to the more narrow shape, you'd more likely gain more from a more modern, stable and light rig. Having tried to heave one of those older dacron sails out of the water, you could easily use a much bigger sail with a wider range and still have it easier to handle.

Enjoy yourself.

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