Reggae Regatta

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Joined: 02/25/2002 - 14:43
Posts: 153
Reggae Regatta

:)Sorry I missed the Regatta and the sailing this weekend. I would like to hear how the regatta went, any news yet?


Danny Johnson

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Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: Reggae Regatta

The regatta was great. Saturday was awesome for wind, though a bit gusty with the offshore conditions. The water was very flat in the bay at LLSC, but the "Maytag effect" in the channel was very challenging. We sailed 7.5s and adjustable-on-the-fly rigs were very helpful (too bad I didn't have one). Some of the bigboat guys said it was gusting to 30 by our third race (around 3pm I'd guess), I think that was close to right, as I was hopelessly swatted to the water omce. Sunday had a lot less wind but enough to plane once in a while in the final two races. It was pretty shifty, so the tactical challenge was more the game on Sunday. Each day had its own test- survival on Saturday, tactics on Sunday- a good mix.

Dave Delmonte, Pat Park, Dan Burch, Gregg Cattanach and I were the only registered b'sailors, a disappointing turnout given the awesome conditions for racing sailboards, but we really had fun. Some others came to hangout, sail and enjoy the festivities at the club. The sounds of the steel drum band wafting down to the beach where we regaled each other with tales of wild rides, tossed back a few cold ones and grilled dinner made for a pleasant Saturday evening.

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