New Kiter in Town

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Joined: 06/09/2006 - 14:24
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New Kiter in Town

Hello everyone,

I just moved here from Florida. I am used to going a few days a week and am excited to hear that you have a group of people who kite on Lanier. I am no master, but I have a couple of bow kites and have dealt with some rough conditions in the past.

A couple of questions for anyone...

What is the deal with shadows? I have been warned that they are dangerous, but dont understand.

How often is the wind good enough to ride and have fun (13knots and up) during the summer?

What is better for a road trip Tybee or Charleston?

I am going to go up to the lake this weekend to check it out. Should I go anywhere in particular?

Thanks so much for any help. I look forward to seeing all of you out there soon.


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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
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I am not a kiter, but that's never stopped me before. Our kiter friends will probably check in, but in case they take a few days to do so, here is my .02 worth.

Shadows are windshadows. In Florida, you probably don't have to worry about this sailing in the ocean. Around here, our sailing is done in lakes, which are generally in valleys. Big hills and tall trees can make it difficult to sail in certain spots because of the windshadows produced. Some of the kiter guys can probably tell you more of the specifics.

How often is the wind more than 13 knots during the summer? Some years never. In a good year, a few days. Unless we get a hurricane system coming through. Even then only a day or two. We did have maybe a 15-20kt day yesterday, but then its not summer yet.

Tybe or Charleston for kiting - dunno.

Going to the lake this weekend - just to check it out. Try Van Pugh (where windsurfers go) or Old Federal (seems to be the kiters fav launch.) If your are really ambitious, you might call Gene and rent his kayak (770-967-0104) or Bic windsurfer if you want to see all this from the water (assuming there will not be enough wind for kiting.)

Good luck. I'm sure the active kiters will chime in and give more detail on all of this.

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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Joined: 06/05/2006 - 19:22
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hey Ill be out on old federal for more kite practice on sunday..around 1 the wind wont be astounding but ill be there anyway if anyone cares to join and mabe give me some pointers.... also i need another harness and a chicken loop if anyone can help... call me 404-408-2831


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Joined: 06/09/2006 - 14:24
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Thanks for the info. I am going up to Old Federal today to check it out. Of course I will be bringing my gear just in case. I hope to see some of you there.


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Joined: 06/05/2006 - 19:22
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what time? i live right down the road ... think i might join you

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Joined: 02/11/2005 - 21:15
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Welcome to Atlanta. Hope to see you on the lake soon in one of the infrequent summer sessions...

Tybee is closer and has places to sail in every wind direction with lots of buttery smooth water in strong winds or Ocean side waves to play in. I haven't tried kiting Charleston (distance) so can't speak to the locations or conditions there. Emilio is big on Jeykl and St. Simons which are further south than Tybee and about an hour farther... He could comment on those locations.

Randy's got it right on the shadows. With the kite it is a problem because you can go from overpowered to your kite falling out of the sky back to overpowered in < 30 seconds. Something that's a pain on the water and downright dangerous for the kiter and anyone downwind on land.

Once you know the prevailing wind directions, launch sites and kiting areas, the shadows can be avoided. For example, Vann's on a NE day is in the shadow of the Athen's Park pennisula. So we launch from Athen's Park. If you get blown downwind to Vann's you just land the kite in the water vs. trying to dry land...

At Old Federal on a Westerly there is an annoying little island, upwind just off the launch site. With the water low you can walk out past it to avoid the shadow. When the water's high having a big board to power you through the shadow and having the presence to keep your kite moving to generate apparent wind can get you by on your first pass. Having a SLE Inflatable (a la the GK Sonic) or bow kite to help keep you upwind in gusty conditions helps get you upwind of the obstacle and into clean air that has a several mile fetch...

- Mel

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Joined: 06/09/2006 - 14:24
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Thanks for the valued information. I look forward to giving it a shot out there with you guys. I guess I need to wait for the best conditions for my first time out.

I am going to Charleston next weekend, I havent gone this long without kiting ever so I cant wait.

Again, thanks alot.


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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Sean, hi. Welcome to ATL. Hope we can get to see you soon on the lake, or any of the once-a-month kitters' get together. Please feel free to call me and I will hapilly talk about kitting in ATL with you.

Send me your email, so I can put your name down on the ATL kitters database, and give you a heads up where and when we (ATL Kiters) are going. Also, to let you know when we get together are, etc.

Willoneal, Jay, you too are welcome to submit your email to include you all in the database.

My email is :

Phone: 404 509 4229
Emilio Cobo

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Emilio, thanks for the welcome. Please let me know when something is going on.

I am off to Wilmington this weekend in search of wind and wave, but still look forward to getting out on the lake.


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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13970

Will do.

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