Lessons anyone?

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Lessons anyone?

Does anyone know of a good place to take wind surfing lessons in Atlanta?


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gene_mathis's picture
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Gene Mathis

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Hulsee - If you are interested, I also teach windsurfing. You can call me any time for info, although I probably won't be around for the next couple of weeks. If you're just starting out, you'll likely want to wait til warmer weather - say May. Chris P. 404-525-7190.

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nitro's picture
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Chuck_Hardin's picture
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This is Chuck Hardin. My company is Whitecap Windsurfing, Inc. (mentioned in above message.) I do occassionally teach this time of year but it is a rare exception. In the cold winter water, one has to be sure the student has past experience with cold water, usually evidenced by owning their own wetsuit. But, if you don't currently have a good suit and I can be convinced you know what you're getting into and you can fit into one of the several suits I have on hand, then I'm willing. I typically do lessons in groups of no less than 3 but I will do one or two at a time this time of year on the rare occassion it comes up. You can read about my lessons at http://www.whitecapwindsurfing.com

Chuck Hardin
Whitecap Windsurfing, Inc.

c:706-833-WIND (9463)

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Joined: 12/10/2005 - 12:57
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If you're considering travelling outside the Atlanta area for lessons, I'm offering huge winter discounts at my new location in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Otherwise, please patronize the local resources in Atlanta. Gene and Chris have the experience and knowhow and they'll be there as you progress. Windsurfing lessons are a great way to get started. . . then you find out that windsurfing 'school' lasts a happy lifetime.

tc / thin'air

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FoilDodo's picture
Joined: 03/19/2008 - 23:50
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OK. Me too. I teach windsurfing. My price– $59.95, including 'tacks'. Also includes equipment, expurt instruction and the traditional windsurfer lunch (RC co-cola, moon pie and ice cold PBR for dee-zert).

Your lesson begins with an in-depth analysis & explanation of the range of possible conditions:

• Totally Sucks
• Sucks
• Gusty, shifty and ccold
• Marginal
• Good
• Honkin'
• Be itchin'
• Warm, steady wind (don't worry about this one– it never happens here)
• Nukin'
• Totally (and/or) Freakin' Nukin'
• etc

Then on to the technical aspects of the equipment– for example, Parts of the Board: we'll get to know the 'pointy end' and the 'other end'. There's 'this side' and the 'other side', and on to 'the sail'... you get the idea. It's not rocket surgery.

Then we're off to the dry-land Windsurfing Stimulator... on second thought, this may be illegal in Georgia. Maybe we should skip that part.

We'll jump straight to: sailing 'this way', then the 'other way'... After a break for some refreshing moon pies, we'll cover the Planing Jibe, Short-board Tack, Duck Jibing 101 and finally Introduction to the Forward Loop (conditions permitting... and assuming we can find somebody that actually knows how to do those things).

During the "Apres-shred" part of your lesson, we'll recap all the swell fun we had and gloss over all our flaws... hey, just like life ! You'll experience the windsurfing handshake (it's actually more like a fatigue-induced tremor). Finally, I will reveal all the insider tips for the local Windsurfer-in-the-Know, including:

• The super-secret phone number for current conditions at Lake Lanier: 770-532-4687... oops I guess I let that one slip.
• How to select the right sail size (smaller than Jim Crooks- bigger than Randy Falkenberg)
• A 'drive-by' of Gene's Crib aka Windsense (where you can arrange a real lesson and a real good deal on gear).
• Cool lingo and corect speling to use on the ABC forum including the difference between "planning" and "planing".

You can see I have a lot tied up in the lunch, so you'll have to admit it's a totally freakin' gnarly honkin' deal. (I only do this for the love of the sport). Even though I'll actually be losing money on each lesson, I hope to make it up on volume.

In case you still have lingering doubts about my ability to teach windsurfing, allow me to present some highlights from my resume´:

• 23 years experience (and I can almost jibe without falling).
• Numerous Certificates of Participation in regattas, including one Best Effort.
1992 Mistral Worlds, San Francisco (I think I was the only one lapped by the winner in the Long Distance race- two 12.5 mile laps)
1996 Olympic Trials, Savannah 30th of 34 men (after 3 days, when I quit and went home).
Principle Race Officer - 1997 Fall Classic Notable for the fact that my (now ex) wife led a group protesting the Race Committee (me) after they all missed a mark on the course... ah, the memories.

Chris Voith
Anything-for-a-Buck LLC

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peelskid's picture
Joined: 06/09/2003 - 15:33
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That was Funny!


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Joined: 01/04/2009 - 05:30
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Thank you all!

I will hold off until April or May for the lessons. Chris, how much for just the moon pies and PBR?

Thanks again,

Brian (hulsee)

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Joined: 09/06/2005 - 12:52
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I specialize in underwater towing by SUP in large surf. Just bring your inexperienced ass to the OBX in October and I'll hook you up!

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Joined: 12/10/2005 - 12:57
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Brian has probably sized up the company he'd keep as a windsurfer and bought a dirt bike instead... Brian - in case you didn't notice - we're all bozos on this bus.

tc / thin'air

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Joined: 09/06/2005 - 12:52
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Now that we're all worked up, I bet the next question will be " isn't that where you have the colorful thing in the sky and catch big air?? I can't wait to try!" When people ask me down here if I windsurf, I look 'em dead in the eye and tell them I'm a racecar driver.

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FoilDodo's picture
Joined: 03/19/2008 - 23:50
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Okay Brian, time to learn to windsurf.

Also, I am putting together the Thursday afternoon 'Intro to WSing' for the Junior Week program at LLSC again this year. It is June 4th. I need some help instructing and any appropriate beginner gear. In the feedback questionnaire from last year the most common suggestion was "more windsurfing". The kids love it (of course). A lot of fun for instructors too. Plan to stay for apres shred moon pies and PBR.

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