Kites win over windsurfing at 2016 Olympics

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FoilDodo's picture
Joined: 03/19/2008 - 23:50
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Kites win over windsurfing at 2016 Olympics
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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: Kites win over windsurfing at 2016 Olympics

And other types as well. No keelboats, either. Windsurfing's weakness, strangely enough, I think, is that it is too much like other kinds of sail boat racing and no longer exotic enough. Looks like the decision came down to dinghy for one, dinghy for chunky one*, dinghy for two, something that goes fast, something that goes faster and something that the sponsors and TV can sell.

Side note: Considering the crash/bang aspect of both skiffs and cats, maybe windsurfers need to allow board contact akin to NASCAR tradin' paint or soccer's playing advantage. I think those who watch those two classes need to come clean like race car fans and admit that a little dust up (assuming no physical injury) makes viewing more fun.

I think that kiting will get even less support from the mainstream US sailing community than windsurfing did, which does no one any good. Not saying it shouldn't get supported but I don't see many sailing clubs running jr kite programs, even in places like Wrightsville Beach, Charleston, Savannah, etc. which turn out quality dinghy sailors.

I guess on this sad note, I'll be selling all my gear.

Edit: good take on this just before the decision announcement:

Kiting got a lot of support from former windsurfing medalists who used the same arguments for the continued inclusion of windsurfing - ie it's very accessible for athletes from developing countries. Telling observation is that windsurfing was heavily supported everywhere except the US which somehow thinks that we will be favored to win medals in '16 because we currently have among the fastest kiters.

Also from same web site: "At the 2011 Worlds in Perth, Australia this past December, "the RS:X men's fleet in Perth was bigger in terms of nations than even the Laser men's fleet." The Laser is the most popular sailing class in the world."

*Finn. Justification is that is a class which allows/favors heavyweight guys. Same premise as the separate basketball class for those under 5-8. What, there isn't a separate basketball class?

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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
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Re: Kites win over windsurfing at 2016 Olympics

This is tragic. Few people know it, but if it weren't for the Olympics, I would have never taken up windsurfing. Yes - it was a direct result of the Olympics in Atlanta in 1996. It was not that I saw windsurfing on TV and said "Wow - what a sport. And one even I could do." No. I, like most sensible people in Atlanta said "Its time to get the hell out of town before all of the nonsense takes place." So, we went to the beach. One boring day sitting on the beach I noticed two guys on little boards sailing by. It looked really cool. And I said "Wow- what a sport. And one even I could do." So I took a lesson the next day, and the rest, is history.

I don't think being released from the Olympics is a loss to the sport, but maybe a gain. The Olympics has is corrupt business that basically exists to use other sports' atheletes to make money, and support the lavish lifestyle of the Olympic moguls. And the athletes don't get paid a penny. Nor do they get to travel in private jets around the world and get bribes from cities dying to host the Olympics.

Now, I admit, I have never been a fan of the Olympics. I recall what may have been my first "WTF" moment in first grade or so. I was looking forward one night to wathcing my favorite TV show. I turn on the TV and guess what it wasn't there. Instead they had this stupid Olympics show on. With a bunch silly sports no one would ever want to watch anyway. Stuff like running and jumping. Who cares. Then there was some fat slob (who was a chain smoker) lifting a big barbell. Not to mention ribbon twirling and something called "synchornized swimming." (Ok I think that a lot of those things may have happened later, since I didn't waste much time watching when I was in first grade.)

And they didn't even have real sports like Football, or Bowling.

Now eventually, the stupid thing ended. I was so thrilled to hear that it would be another four years before normal tv would be interupted. But, as I discovered just a few months later before my second "WTF" moment. They had an entire Winter Olympics too. No Yogi Bear. No Huckleberry Hound. Nothing but a bunch people skiing and ice skating. As if anyone actually cared.

Well, the Olympics had gotten a lot bigger since then, and thankfully we now have cable TV and can simply tune out the entire thing. Or leave town, if it comes around. (Notice btw that no city ever wants to host the Olympics twice.)

As for Kitesurfing replacing windsuring. Who cares. What can you say about the judgement of an organization that holds its summer games in a country that will be experiencing the dead of winter at the time. What's next - having Miami hosting the winter games?

Now, I do acknowledge the some of the athletes care a lot about the Olympics, so for them, I am sorry, but the sport would be much better off in the x-games. Then it might even get some TV coverage.

Finally, I don't think signing a petition will do any good. The IOC member need bribes to do anthing. Just find out who to make your checks payable to. Or better yet, just send cash. To me. I'll see to it that it goes to the right place.

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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