The Great Wind Altar

FoilDodo's picture
Joined: 03/19/2008 - 23:50
Posts: 2751
The Great Wind Altar

(from The Great Wind Altar Manual):


To create wind of a given magnitude the Stoker must first obtain materials needed for the magnitude selected. Below is a chart of required materials:

10-15 Knots- Candles, matches, one beer (preferably an Amstel)
15-25 Knots- The above plus a variety of incense
25-40 Knots- The above plus a shot of tequila (include worm for maximum range)
40+ Knots- (WARNING: This ritual should only be performed by the very experienced Stoker!!!) All of the above including the worm, one fan or other wind inducing object, candles that do not burn out, and rope

To induce wind of 10-15 knots:
Set altar on a sturdy surface that is level and clean. Place one or two candles on the altar. Check that the beads are securely wrapped around the picture. Take a match and touch the two "BBB"s (Beachin Beach Babes) with the match before striking. While looking into the picture light match and quickly proceed to ignite candles. Candle must burn for at least one minute for each knot of wind (i.e. 10 minutes = 10 knots) and must be witnessed til the candles are extinguished. During the witness period the stoker must consume one beer. The above procedure must be performed only by the stoker for that year. If for any reason the Stoker of year cannot perform, then and only then may a previous Stoker perform the function."

(It goes on... "Changing of the Stoker" , "Care of the Great Wind Altar", etc)

Since the current Stoker, Dan Burch, is unable to 'perform', we'll have to consult the "REGISTER OF STOKERS" to determine who will get the call for this honor.


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