Fred Howrd Park Report

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plop's picture
Joined: 02/25/2002 - 14:43
Posts: 153
Fred Howrd Park Report

Ok, so I didn't go to Cape San Blas, went to Fred Howard Park (Tarpin Springs) instead, since it was only an extra 30 minute drive from where I was working, Got there at 12:00 noon it was blowing pretty good from the south, exicited I rigged in a record 12 minutes and went out on my 6.6. Everytime I sail here I think I'm an awsome sailor, making most of my jibes and doing some extra cool stuff at hero beach, I've got to say its awsome here. 78 Degrees, water temp was 63, so I wore my shorty!!!! Glass, glass and more glass, like watersking in a cove without a ripple. Rigged down to 5.8in the afternoon, this is a great place!!!!!! Folks, THIS IS THE PLACE TO LEARN TO SAIL!!! Shallow water, chest deep or less, flat water, warm, and tons of places to end up if you get blown down wind. There were 20+ sailing today and tomorow looks pretty good to. All I need to do is sail at Van Pugh and it will tell me once again humble me.

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Danny Johnson

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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I agree with Danny. For those of you who have not been to Fred Howard, you have missed out. Great flat water sailing and this is one of the more unique places to sail since it is an island in the middle of the Gulf about 1/2 mile from land. I know you had fun Danny. I plan on making FH a destination serveral times over this coming winter.

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plop's picture
Joined: 02/25/2002 - 14:43
Posts: 153

Today, 5.8 in the am, then 6.6, then 8.4 in the afternoon. NW wind made for some flat water I mean flat, almost glass. It was unreall!!. I'm so stoked I'm looking for property. This nw wind direction is awsome, sailed out to the surf, which was huge for the gulf. This morning 6-8 ft. due to the honking wind overnight. But anywhere you go slight ripple on a 5.8, it was alomst like a dream. Thats it I'm moving here!!!!!!!!!!!!


Danny Johnson

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surfdougie's picture
Joined: 11/28/2003 - 14:47
Posts: 66

Danny, let me know next time you head to Fred Howard Park, I wanna check it out. BTW, have you found any land for sale there yet?

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plop's picture
Joined: 02/25/2002 - 14:43
Posts: 153

I'm here agiain, 1/6 and will be here foa a few days then over to Calema for a couple.



Danny Johnson

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