Annual Plea...

FoilDodo's picture
Joined: 03/19/2008 - 23:50
Posts: 2755
Annual Plea...

Junior Week Sailing Camp starts this Sunday at LLSC. Unfortunately I'm out of town all week on a job (glad for the work though!), so I am unable to be any help with the Beach Night/ Taste of Windsurfing we've been doing every year. I will be leaving Christopher's Rio and a couple of sails at the beach for their use.

It would be huge if anybody could loan some beginner-appropriate gear for the evening... double huge if you have time to come up and do some coaching for a while. It's pretty fun. :shock:

We've tried to schedule this for Thursday (6/7) if possible, but it might change to Tuesday if the forecast is better. (They would make that call on Monday). Please call me if you can help! 404-386-8505

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