New camera angle windsurfing in Key West

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peelskid's picture
Joined: 06/09/2003 - 15:33
Posts: 1101
New camera angle windsurfing in Key West

This camera is great. I need to figure how to use it to capture us better on dirt bikes.

Not much wind on this day. If I had a lot of wind it would be looking fast.

I need to figure out how to mount the camera about 3 feet above my boom. Any suggestions?


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Joined: 12/17/2002 - 09:20
Posts: 86

Could you attach it to an old boom bracket without arms ?
Although that might require another opening on your luff sleeve depending how high you want it ....


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FoilDodo's picture
Joined: 03/19/2008 - 23:50
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peelskid's picture
Joined: 06/09/2003 - 15:33
Posts: 1101

Albert: I could punch a hole in my sail and make it work but my 7.5 is new. I may do that on an old sail.

Chris: Thanks, but I cannot figure out how you use that thing from the picture. Besides the camera does not have a female screw receptor in the bottom of the camera like other cameras do. You know as in mounting a camera on a tripod.

What I need is some type of C clamp. If I mount 3 feet above the boom then if the boom slams the board for any reason I could damage the camera or punch a hole in my board. When the camera is at the top of the mast, that position never touches the board.

More to come but the wind is getting slack. Monday was the best day. Tuesday was 7.5 on and off a plane and Wednesday was 7.5 and I only planned for about 30 feet. I will try to get that 30 feet on youtube so you can see it. Wind looks slack for the rest of the week. Temps are going back up too. 75 Friday and 78 Saturday. Looks like jet ski and snorkeling for the next few days. Great thing is that the sail is rigged in the driveway and the board is on the beach so, if it blows it is easy to go.

Later ABC dudes!

As Gene says, I love this place, especially in January. I got hooked on the Keys a bunch of years ago when Gene and I camped with the Shell Point club.


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