Swap meet in Charleston

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Chuck_Hardin's picture
Joined: 02/18/2002 - 05:27
Posts: 275
Swap meet in Charleston

There is a windsurfers' Spring Swap Meet in Charleston this Saturday! Might be a beautiful day to make the drive to the salt water. Location is John Theil's "ugly green house" on Station 29 on Sullivans Island. At the corner of 29 and Middle st, I think it is. You can't miss it. Start time is noon.
I haven't checked the tide chart, but if you do go to Charleston to windsurf, and if you're a inside-the-sandbar sailor, be aware that Station 29 is virtually filled in from 29 south all the way down. Ankle deep at low tide where we used to sail regularly for years. High tide would still be OK, I assume. However, the "outside" is till one of the best places ANYWHERE to learn to wave sail in one of the user-friendliest, pick-your-own-level wave places I've ever been.
I plan to be there. I'm gonna sail or surf a little before I come back that evening.
Chuck at Whitecap Windsurfing

Chuck Hardin
Whitecap Windsurfing, Inc.

c:706-833-WIND (9463)

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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
Posts: 4668


Thanks for posting that info. I'm surpised (and disappointed) that the sanbar has filled in so much. Was this caused by the hurricanes?


What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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Chuck_Hardin's picture
Joined: 02/18/2002 - 05:27
Posts: 275

Not from the hurricanes. It's just been a process that started when "they" built the series of rock groins around '01 or '02 to protect the houses. That obviously didn't work. It may just be the natural process. It appears to me the whole "inside" will fill in with sand and create a new beach front were it used to be back in '95 when I first went down there. There was a huge landlocked tidal pool there where winsurf lessons were taught in perfect conditions. And there was a big curve out to a point, that may return, which created a no-current area that was ideal for beginners and newbies like I was then. It would be cool to see that return.

Chuck Hardin
Whitecap Windsurfing, Inc.

c:706-833-WIND (9463)

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