Saturday Report - Van Pugh

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13950
Saturday Report - Van Pugh

Killer beautiful day, with plenty of power. Small crowd out, few motorboats, some sailboats. Warm water and air, and the second good day in a row. It seldom gets better than this around here.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13950

I was hoping someone got out. I was doing the usual Sat in fall watching rugrats chase a ball around a grassy field (which is actually pretty cool but another story).
Got home late in the afternoon and saw the Gainesville report as SW 15G25 and 64 degrees. I agree, Chris, if it did that all the time, I'd lose my mind, job and family. btw, ain't football season glorious? Cleans the crowds off the lake.

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Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13950
Saturday Report-Galts


Nice day at Galts too. About six folks showed up; Jimmy, Dan, Mark, Randy, Al, Mimi, and myself.

The wind was gusty as usual from the West/Northwest. Probably not as good as VP from what Chris reported. Was going to go to VP if Andrew was interested, but he bailed on me.

Started out on a 9.0 and then dropped down to a 6.5 as I started to get overpowered in the gusts. The wind peaked at about 3:00 then dropped off. Managed a few carve jibe attempts, not pretty but stayed dry.

Got to see Randy's new Hypersonic 105. Pretty racy looking board. Really short, but he reports that it handles his entire sail range.

Bill H.

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FoilDodo's picture
Joined: 03/19/2008 - 23:50
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What size were you on at VP?

I sailed from LLSC beginning at 3p.m. Wasn't sure on what to rig since sun reflecting on the water made it hard to judge. Went with 5.5 and thought I'd messed up (too small) but it filled in really well and by about 4:30, I was livin' large.

Ditto on the beautiful day... later clouds moved in making the water dark, then low sun peeking through the gaps lit up the whitecaps like they were on fire. Very cool. I had the whole scene to myself. The Lasers (GA state Champs) had quit when I got there. Heard they got spanked-- only half the fleet of 25 finished their last race.

I could do with a little more of this.


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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13950

Average size may have been in the low sixes. I used a 5.6 fairly flat.

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