Odds and Deep Ends No. 24

It's summer. There isn't much wind and it's too hot to do a lot of stuff outside, comfortably. We think maybe we'll garden but the mosquitoes and the humidity send us scurrying back inside. We flip on the screen and find ourselves disappointed that Randy hasn't posted a new cat or SUP/kite video yet. But, the kids are home so we have that going for us, which is nice.

Go home, forecast. You're drunk.

We were looking at the forecast the other day (Friday the 17th) and noticed something peculiar:

Crappy summer forecast.

Not only was it almost depressing how little wind there was but we realized something else: it was like the wind wasn't even trying. It looked like it intended to blow that day. It got up that morning, thought about it, gave it a go and then just gave up. Or, maybe the forecast has a bit of an afternoon drinking problem. We're not sure.

Forecast when the wind doesn't even try.
Really forecast? Zero? The forecast is for zero miles per hour from the northeast? Are you even trying?
We think the forecast has a drinking problem
We think the forecast has a drinking problem.
Like a bad summer forecast
How bad is summer going when the forecast starts to resemble a cat video?

We hope the forecast can get its life together and soon.


We received the following message via social media:

Hi, we are reaching out to all the friends and fans of the forecast. Recently, inaccurate and misleading reports have been circulating relating to the forecast's physical and mental status. Forecast is going through a difficult personal time, suffering from exhaustion and dehydration after an extensive sailing season this past winter, and needs the opportunity to recover and heal.

Forecast is presently in a treatment center near Hood River, OR, this summer and hopes to resume its schedule later this year.

We ask you to respect the forecast's privacy during this difficult time and keep it in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.

When we need to get our forecast updates from TMZ instead of the NWS, you know it's going to be a long and slow summer.

Updated forecast: no wind.
Updated forecast: no wind. Again.
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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
Posts: 4692
Re: Odds and Deep Ends No. 24

Webguy, I hate to ruin your pity party but there was wind last Friday. It didn't just give up.

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
Posts: 4692
Re: Odds and Deep Ends No. 24

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B. This is what I did after I got tired from SUKing and the wind slacked off.

All in all a great day. BTW - I will award a special prize to anyone who can correctly identify the reason this kite is green.

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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arrogantj's picture
Joined: 01/24/2012 - 14:11
Posts: 1053
Re: Odds and Deep Ends No. 24
moco masculine noun 1. (piece of) snot, bogey ; mucus (medicine)

I have the feeling that I would not want a "special" prize for this.

Randy, I think webguy was talking about the forecast. As we all know, the forecast doesn't have a 100% correlation to what actually happens. There are many days the forecast does get it together and predict wind. And, we there we are, all of us in the parking lot, looking at a still lake and wondering why we just killed $10 in gas.

Glad you are perfecting the SUGB (Stand Up Garbage Bagging) Smile

--- The Arrogant Jerk: Crabby and irritable since 1998.

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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
Posts: 4692
Re: Odds and Deep Ends No. 24

Well too bad you don't want the prize. It was a free ride on a Hobie Cat. If you change your mind and want to claim it contact Peelskid and give him the special code "Snot."

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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arrogantj's picture
Joined: 01/24/2012 - 14:11
Posts: 1053
Re: Odds and Deep Ends No. 24

For Peelskid:

--- The Arrogant Jerk: Crabby and irritable since 1998.

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