Hatteras, Week One

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gene_mathis's picture
Joined: 05/17/2002 - 05:00
Posts: 2153
Hatteras, Week One

So far, so good, sort of. Lots of wind, and I mean alot.


Saturday, I drove up in time to kite on 12 meter and then windsurfed on 6.0.
Sunday, it was too windy to kite and I sailed my 6.0 very loaded up all day.
Monday, here's the "sort of", I kited in the morning, but crashed the kite real hard and tore it up, bummer. But the wind was still up so sailed my 6.0. The kite is being repaired.
Tuesday, the weather was unsettled, we messed with Rich Mack's new kite and sailed my 7.5 way over powered for a late session, it came up quick.
AND today, Wednesday, it was WILD. I started on my 5.2 and 115 liter board, and ended on my 4.5 and the WILD board (80 liters.) It seemed I was a little overpowered most of the day. I also sailed my 94 liter and 86 liter board. 2 sails and 4 boards, it was Very Windy.

Very good trip so far and looks like more of the same tomorrow too.

I love this place.


Gene Mathis

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Barrett's picture
Joined: 12/23/2003 - 23:07
Posts: 3445
Re: Hatteras, Week One

Hold some wind for us! I'm glad to hear you're having a fabulous first week.


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gene_mathis's picture
Joined: 05/17/2002 - 05:00
Posts: 2153
Re: Hatteras, Week One

Thursday - 3.7 on the Wild Board (80 liter.) I'm not kidding. One sail, one board, all day long. Very Windy with gusts up to 40 mph.
Friday - Supposed to have some wind in the morning, got out early on repaired 12 meter Kite, had a good session until around 11:00, then that was it.

What a week, sailed and/or kited every day for 7 days. LOVE THIS PLACE!

Next week, Nags Head with Barrett in Ron's House.


Gene Mathis

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