Wednesday 10/27

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Joined: 03/08/2010 - 15:10
Posts: 183
Wednesday 10/27

Good sail today at Sunrise Cove (David, Chris, & Bill) . Wind from the south .... with the gusts it was a roller coaster. It looks like the wind is blowing from the south again on Wednesday so if it holds I'll be back at Sunrise Cove around 2pm tomorrow. Bill A

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FoilDodo's picture
Joined: 03/19/2008 - 23:50
Posts: 2754
Re: Wednesday 10/27

It was great sailing there... except when my boom broke way out there (Geeeene–– I need a new boom). Nice long fetch at Sunrise in a south makes for some great ramps... except they are port-tack, which I have no clue how to jump– so, that wasn't so great. Had to rig a big sail and set up my Equipe after I finally got in from boom breakage, which was less than great... but I got to rip around on the long board which was great, except for the aforementioned port-tack ramp issue, which is even more worser on a longboard. But it was otherwise great... except for when the rain moved in and we had to boogie on back to de-rig. It was probably great we did, since I later saw an hourly from Gilmer that said gust to 45... (that would not have been great).

Nice to meet you Bill. I 'preciate your determination... out there OP'd on a 7.0 but still making it work–– awesome!

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