Sailing at Van Pugh - Fri. AM

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Barrett's picture
Joined: 12/23/2003 - 23:07
Posts: 3437
Sailing at Van Pugh - Fri. AM

There's East wind, so I'm heading to Van Pugh this morning to meet Gene & Jim about 10:30 AM.


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Barrett's picture
Joined: 12/23/2003 - 23:07
Posts: 3437

Met Jim, Gene & Chris at Van Pugh. I was the only one to go out and had fun for about half an hour until the rain hit, then the wind dropped. Jim rigged just in time to get rained on, so I had company putting away soggy gear.

Since I was already wet, I piled rocks around the paved ramp at the WS beach. The Corps was good to install the ramp for us, but did not pour a footer, so the gravel underneath is being undermined by high water. Please feel free to pile more rocks around the sides of the ramp.


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