Sat AM - excitement at Tidwell

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Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13860
Sat AM - excitement at Tidwell

In case anyone was wondering if the 12-14 mph Sat am, shown for Gainsville was for real, I went out to find out. Imagine my surpise when upon arriving I saw a firetruck, police cars, tow truck and various other emergency type vehicles and lots of onlookers at the boat ramp. :shock: I was immediatly concerned that perhaps someone was in trouble, but decided I had better rig my stuff as quickly as possible and keep out of the way. Wink

As it turns out, someone drove his car into the lake. What I can't figure out is how he got it perpendicular to the boat ramp, but who knows? Anyway, the driver apparentlly got out w/o problems.

As for the sailing, aside from having to launch in a more rocky spot- it was pretty good - planning conditions pretty solid at first, then only in the gusts. 7.9 for say 45 minutes, then 9.6 for the next hour. (I probably would have been better off just rigging my 9.6 from the start, however.)


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