Weather Cat

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Revision as of 20:51, 21 May 2024 by Webguy (talk | contribs)

A list of posts and comments about our favorite local feline. Incomplete for the moment.

Links no_cats.jpg

"Weathercat, the feline whose night forays across the keyboards at NWS computing center and mucked up the next day's forecast, as been absent the last few days. After a couple of weeks of good bike riding weather, we've had some decent sessions. I know some of you are missing her."


= Weather cat being weathercat

Weather cat's ancestry

cursed-weather-cat.jpg jim-catori.jpg

more cats:

" Mythical creature" ?

Langdon explains:

Jury still out on that

A cat with questionable motives walking on a keyboard causing the forecast model to be wrong is more palatable to me than an array of weather stations coupled with a bunch of very expensive computers running algorithms that took many years of development to generate a forecast that will miss the actual weather less than 6 hours out

Cat gets the blame

Darn that weather cat - just returned from a snowstorm in Denver & was looking forward to sailing today with warm sun till Wx cat nixed the Fx.